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1. General provisions.

1.1 Public Association - The Regional Development Center “Stability” in the further (Association) is the nongovernmental, noncommercial. The association is created and develops the activity according to the Constitution of Republic Moldova, the law of Republic Moldova, which regulates public association’s №837-XIII from May, 17th 1996.

1.2 The regional Development center Stability is the regional organization implementing activity in all territory of UTA Gagauzia. The association is created for unlimited term, since day of registration of the Center.

1.3 Association can be a collective member of the various organizations, come into contacts and to be the full partner of various public Associations, including international, according to the current legislation.

1.4 Association is created and develops the activity on principles of the free consent, an autonomy, economic self-management and equality of all members of Association. Activity of Association has socially useful character.

1.5 The Association can have own mass-media, inform the public on the purposes and activity of Association.

1.6 Association uses the right of the legal juridical person from the moment of registration of the Center, can form local structural divisions, and has all rights and duties which are given by the law to legal juridical persons. The association has an emblem, own financial balance, bank accounts in Moldavian Lei and in foreign currencies.

1.7 Association in the right to be engaged in economic activities with a view of achievement of the problems stipulated by the present Charter, according to the current legislation.

1.8 The Association has constant supervising bodies of Association and the address: Republic of Moldova, Comrat, Cikalov str-la 2/2 also can be changed on the basis of the decision of General meeting.

1.9 The work can be paid or act on the Personnel of Association to a voluntary free-of-charge basis.


2. The purposes and problems of Association.

2.1 The Association has the following purposes:

- Development of democracy and transparency

- Community development

- Prevention and the prevention of conflicts in region

- Protection of human rights, maintenance of the equal rights for prevention social injustice

- Support in realization of the social, civil, economic rights

- Promotion in realization of projects and ideas

 - Creation of favorable conditions for development of partnership between NGOs, business and the state with the purpose of the decision of social and economic problems of region

- Strengthening of NGO opportunities in regional development

- Stimulation of civil initiatives

- Realization and protection the interests of the youth

- Creation of favorable conditions for Euro integration

2.2 Goals:

- Contribution for observance the freedom of speech, press, statements

- Consolidation the members of the community for the decision of socially significant problems

- Carrying out the seminars, trainings, round tables and other actions

- The edition of information materials

- Granting and financial help for public institutions


2.3 For the achievement of the planned purposes and goals the Association organizes the following kinds of activity:

- Realization of socially significant problems and projects

- Publishing

2.4 For realization of the planned purposes the Association has the right:

- To represent the interests in the state bodies and other organizations;

- To provide judicial protection of the rights and interests of members, and also socially significant interests in the activity;

- To establish own mass media and to use the state mass-media;

- Promotes development of business by granting the information and legal support;

- Organization of training for economic agents;

- Freely distribute the information on the activity;

- To receive from the government the information necessary for realization of authorized activity;

- To participate in regional, national and international competitions with the purpose of reception of social orders and grants from the state, and also grants from national and international funds;

- To participate as the founder of public associations, public funds and the commercial noncommercial organizations;

- To organize bilateral and multilateral agreements on scientific technical, economic, financial and industrial cooperation, performance the granting of services for realization of the real purposes and problems;

- To develop industrial-economic and other enterprise activity which would promote realization of the real purposes?

- To accept at the account the donations, profits of the enterprises, sponsor's contributions and other means admitted by legislation of the Republic of Moldova

- To get the property, complexes, movable and the real estate necessary for activity and maintenance of normal functioning of the Association.


3. Structure and directing bodies of Association.

3.1 Structure of Association has following bodies:

General meeting of members of Association;


Revision committee.

3.2 The highest supervising body in Association is General meeting of members which is convoked in the next and extreme order.

3.3 General meeting has following basic functions:

- Definition of mainstreams in activity of Association, the statement of strategic programs of development;

- Decision-making under the maintenance, addition or change the Statute of the Association;

- Elections and response the members of the Board, the Revision committee and Chairman of Association;

- The reports preparing of the Board and the Revision committee of Association, financial annual balance;

- Decision-making on reorganization or liquidations of Association;

- Decision-making on any other problems concerning activity of Association.

3.4 The next sessions of general meeting are convoked not less than once within a year. Convocation of general meeting is carried out by Board which informs preliminary on the agenda, day and a place of carrying out of the assembly.

3.5 Extreme Convocation of the General meeting is carried out by Board, under own initiative, the Revision committee in case of extreme necessity or under force-major circumstances, and also on demand not less than one third from the general number of members of Association.

3.6 General meeting is competent in case of present 2/3 of the general number of members. Each member has one voice. Decisions are accepted opened or ballot by the simple majority of present voices, excepting decisions on change and addition of the Statute, and also on reorganization and liquidation of Association which are accepted by the majority of voices 2/3 + 1 present members at Assembly.

3.7 Working sessions of General meeting are finished through the report with date of session, number of participants, the agenda, the summary of performances, the questions put on voting and results of voting. The report subscribes by the chairman of the General meeting, the second signature is put by the secretary.

3.8 Chairman of General meeting can be only a member of Board.

3.9 Board is supervising body during sessions of General meeting of Association, is accountable and has the constant basis. The competence of Board is:

- The Management of Association;

- Development of the program activity of Association;

- Implementation of decisions of General meeting;

- Decision-making concerning creation and liquidations of local structural divisions, participations as the founder of the nongovernmental organizations;

- Decision-making on establishment of the enterprises and the organizations, being legal persons;

- Reception and exception of members of Association;

- Representation of annual reports on activity of Association to General meeting;

- The Statement of concrete projects, programs of activity of Association;

- Definition the official duties and a rate of commission for paid employees.

3.10 Board is selected by the General meeting for the term of three years. The number of members of Board is established by General meeting. The Sessions of Board are competent Then present 2/3 from all the members, decisions are accepted by the simple majority of voices. Sessions of Board are convoked by Chairman of Association or on demand of 1/3 from all the members of the Board. Chairman of Association establishes time and a place of session. Sessions of Board are convoked as required, but not less than once in a quarter.

3.11 Activity of Association during Board sessions is managed by the Chairman of Association selected by General electing for the term of 5 years directly by the Board.

3.12 Chairman of Association makes the decision on any question which concerns the activity of Association and which is not included into the exclusive competence of General meeting or Board, represents without the power of attorney Association in attitudes with bodies of public management, public associations, commercial societies, other legal and physical persons, employs and removes from a post of employees of the device of Association, concludes transactions and signs the contracts, gives out powers of attorney, opens bank accounts, signs other financial documents, publishes orders, other documents, considers questions in performance of decisions of General meeting, advice of Management.

3.13 Advice of Management can invite on the basis of the contract of the manager which will execute functions of management of Association which volume, together with duties of the manager, is established in the contract.

3.14 The Control of financial and economic activity of Association is carried out by a Revision committee selected by General meeting for three-year term.

3.15 The Revision committee has the right to inform the Board and Chairman about activity for the concrete period, to demand all certificates, the documents concerning activity of Association. Checking by the Revision committee is carried out once within a year and more in case of need. 3.16 The Results of Revision committee on financial and economic documents are represented in the form of the report to General meeting.


4. Members of Association.

Membership in Association is fully open and free.

Their rights and a duty:

4.1 the Member of Association can become any citizen of the Republic Moldova, 18 years which have reached age irrespective of a nationality, a social status, creeds, citizenship, a floor, the public association, interested in participation in activity of Association which recognize and support the purposes and the problems of Association stipulated by the present Statute, addressed with the application for the introduction into Association.

4.2 Foreign physical and legal persons (nongovernmental associations) who wish to take part in activity of Association can become members of Association.

4.3 The Person, wishing to enter in members of Association should apply for Chairman. The application considers by the Board of Association.

4.4 Members of Association have the following rights and duties:

- To participate in activity of Association;

- To choose and be chosen on any vocation in Association

- To participate in all projects of Association;

- Each member has the right to make offers, to address with oral or written applications;

- Members can freely leave Association with the argument of the reasons or without;

- Members of Association are obliged to observe positions of the present Statute;

- Members of Association are obliged to abstain from fulfillment of actions which could lead to discredit of Association.

4.5 Members of Association and its directing bodies have no right to speak on behalf a name of Association with applications in support of political parties, selective blocks and separate candidates on elections in bodies of public authority.


5. The property and sources of financing of Association

5.1 Association has property which is formed from:

- Donations of physical and legal persons;

- Profits of the enterprises bringing a membership dues in Association;

- Sponsor's and donor means;

- Other receipts which have been not forbidden by the law. The Association can have in properties the buildings, constructions, the equipment, vehicles, and also the property necessary for realization of the purposes

5.2 The Donation can be in the form of sums of money, material benefits, including any property, copyrights, bills, transfers of requirements. All property of Association, and also the received income of economic activities are used only for realization of authorized activity. The decision concerning purchase, distributions and alienations of property of Association is accepted by Chairman.

5.3 Use of financial assets and property is defined by the Chairman, according to the program of the activity approved by General meeting of Association.

5.4 In the end of each calendar year available funds are transferred next year, making a property basis of Association. The financial report is made once a year according to the legislation and it is possible up to data of all members of Association at session of General meeting.


6. Acceptance of changes and additions to the Statute

6.1 The Present Statute affirms General meeting of members of Association.

6.2 The Offer on the changes and additions of the present Statute are generated by the Board which at the next session considers them and makes the decision. Changes and additions of the Statute affirms by the decision of General meeting if for it has voted 2/3 of members present at session.


7. Reorganization and liquidation of Association

7.1 Reorganization or liquidation of Association is carried out according to the decision of the General meeting accepted 2/3 + 1 voice of members, present on session.

7.2 Association can be liquidated by the decision of judicial instance in the cases stipulated by the current legislation of Republic Moldova.

7.3 Property of liquidated Association after satisfaction of claims of creditors goes according to requirements of the current legislation of realization of the authorized purposes or is transferred other public association. The Chairman of Association is responsible for liquidation.


8. Final provisions

8.1 The Present Statute is accepted by the General meeting from 10 December, 2006.

8.2 The Statute of Association is made in four copies having an identical validity.


9. Board

The Center “Stability” is headed by a board which selects the Executive Director, takes decisions on strategic planning and sustainable development of the Center.

The board includes:


1) Volcov Victor – Chairman of the board, Chairman of the Municipal Board of Comrat

2) Stoianov Nicolai – deputy President (Bashkan) UTA Gagauzia

3) Todorova Valentina Director FinComBank-UTA Gagauzia

4) Postu Vitali – Director “Pro-communitate”

5) kirilovsky Alexandr – Tax inspector.


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